Eliminate boilerplate needed in traditional LWC developement. Get straight to the point and ship features faster.
Eliminate boilerplate needed in traditional LWC developement. Get straight to the point and ship features faster.
Consistent and opinionated APIs across all your project. Hassle free collaboration between team members.
Build reusable pieces across multiple components by embracing the mixin pattern.
import { createForm } from 'c/bolt';import template from './myLwc.html';import fields from './caseFields.js';export default class MyLwc extends createForm( { fields, template } ) { @api recordId; async handleSave() { if(this.formValidity) await this.saveRecord(this.Case); }}
<template> <c-bolt-input lwc:spread={$Case.Subject}></c-bolt-input> <c-bolt-input lwc:spread={$Case.Status}></c-bolt-input> <c-bolt-input lwc:spread={$Case.Priority}></c-bolt-input> <c-bolt-input lwc:spread={$Case.Contact}></c-bolt-input> <lightning-button label="Save the record" onclick={handleSave}></lightning-button></template>